Episode 12 – The How and Why of Writing a Book with Vicki Wusche

Many aspiring entrepreneurial authors, especially women, are worried that writing is a selfish use of their time. Vicki Wusche, a five-time author and property wiz, wants you to know that the opposite is true. Today she joins Lucy to talk about why sharing your knowledge is never a selfish act. You don’t want to miss her no-nonsense approach to shedding the excuses and owning your journey.

Vicki Wusche on A Book of One's Own Podcast

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06:39 – How your book can be the turning point of evolution in your business.

12:45 – Why you shouldn’t be afraid of being criticized for sharing your journey.

18:16 – The “tribe of readership”, and why you shouldn’t be concerned with comparisons.

21:05 – Why you don’t need to write specifically for women.

26:01 – Why keeping your expertise to yourself is selfish.


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Episode 11 – Why the World Needs to Hear More from Women

For women, having variegated lives informs our work, our behavior, and our writing. Today Lisette Schuitemaker, a four-time author, chats with Lucy about birth order, childhood conclusions, and socialization. They discuss gender differences in perception and performance, and why the world needs to hear more from women. Lisette’s work focuses on spiritual- and self-development, and you don’t want to miss her insights on what it means to live a multitrack life and being a woman who owns her story.

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04:40 – The characteristics of eldest daughters and how they translate to professional performance.

17:07 – What are childhood conclusions, and how do they inform our work?

22:45 – How your book acts as a business card and finds people for you.

25:12 – Lisette’s tips for writing your book.

27:57 – Why the world needs to hear from women.

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Episode 10 – The Three Routes to Publishing

Once you’ve planned and written your book, how do you actually get it published?  In this episode, Lucy explains the three main routes of publishing a book: traditional publishers, DIY self-publishing, and hybrid publishing. She shares the details that will help you decide which route to take when publishing your book. You’ll hear all you need to know in order to publish your book your way.

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02:38 – An overview of Traditional Publishing and what you should know before starting

11:10- DIY Self-publishing overview and what you will need to publish your own book

16:05 – A look into hybrid publishing, a balance between DIY and Traditional Publishing

25:40 – How to distinguish between Self-publishing and Hybrid publishing


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Episode 9 – How to Utilize Your Book as a Recruitment Tool

How can you turn trauma and the taboo into a practical handbook? Jane Duncan Rogers is a coach, speaker, and not-for-profit founder who helps people establish end-of-life plans. Today she joins Lucy to discuss how her book, Before I Go, helped her package her personal experience into an effective and palatable guide that seeks to change the way we think about “The D-Word”. Not only has she turned a conversation-stopper into a tool to use with her clients, she’s created training material for new end-of-life plan coaches.

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9:37 – How unpacking emotional work in a business-like way helps you be more firm with your audience.

11:28 – The importance of having a supportive network.

15:10 – What it means to be sitting on a “mountain of value”.

18:18 – How writing helps bring your specialties and experience together cohesively.

19:39 – Why you’re never lost for content when you’ve got a book in your repertoire.

21:46 – How your book acts as a recruitment tool.

30:24 – The key things Jane’s book has brought her.

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Episode 8 – The Writer Process: How to Write Your Business Book

Once you’ve developed a thorough outline for your business book, how do you actually get it written?

Working through a clear process is the most effective way to get your book out of your head and onto paper.

In this episode, Lucy explains her W.R.I.T.E.R. Process, a step-by-step model to completing your manuscript.

She shares how to write your first draft quickly, how to recruit beta readers, and how to review your book objectively.

You’ll hear how to work the W.R.I.T.E.R. Process from start to finish for a better, more polished business book.

Episode 8 - The Writer Process: How to Write Your Business Book

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02:04 – An overview of Lucy’s W.R.I.T.E.R. Process and what you must have done first

05:49 – The three key elements to writing and how to get your first draft done

16:05 – How to get objective and review your manuscript

23:39 – The ideal sequence to work through your notes to improve your draft

28:40 – The five places you can find beta readers, why you need them, and how to approach them

39:21 – How to edit your manuscript for consistency and clarity

42:43 – The two steps you need to repeat before handing your polished manuscript off for publishing

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